Mr. Puneet Mishra
Heading Satellite Antenna Characterization, Test & Design Section , ISRO , Bengaluru.
Mr. Puneet Kumar Mishra earned his M.Tech in RF & Microwave from IIT Rookee in the year 2004. Since 2004 he has been with ISRO Satellite Centre, and is presently Heading Satellite Antenna Characterization, Test & Design Section. He has rich experience of RF characterization of 31 Satellites operating from UHF to Ka-Band. He has Played a pivotal role in establishing S/C level EMC chamber and has Developed a payload to study the RF blackout phenomenon. He has also contributed in Indigenously Developing BusBars for High power S/C. He has published more than 30 papers and won 3 best paper awards. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, USA and life member of Astronautical Society of India, Society of EMC Engineers (India), and Antenna Test & Measurement Society (India). He has published more than 35 Technical papers.He is on the board of reviewers of journals like the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, and IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation.
He is an active Volunteer of IEEE and Immediate Past Chair of IEEE Bangalore Section and Vice Chair-Industry Relations, IEEE India Council.
Dr. Parikshit Narendra Mahalle
Dr. Parikshit Narendra Mahalle is Post Doc Researcher at CMI, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark, Senior Member IEEE, Professional Member – Society for Data Science , He is Professor and Head, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune . He is Ex-Chairman – Board of Studies (Information Technology), Savitribai Phule Pune University also Ex-Member, Academic Council of SPPU. He has authored more than 50 Books and having 190+ Publication in various Scopus and sci indexed journals.
Dr. Hussain Mahdi
Hussain Mahdi is a lecturer at Computer and Software, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq. He has a great background of Electrical & Electronics with an experience of nearly two decades. He received the PhD from university of Kebangsaan Malaysia and Master of Science from University of Technology, Bagdad, Iraq. He is IEEE Region 10 Young Professional Committee South-East Asia coordinator (2017-2019), IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian activities committee (2017-2020), IEEE PES Young Professional Committee academic lead (2017-2020), IEEE IAS Chapters Area Chair, R10 Southeast Asia, Australia and Pacific (2018-2019), and IEEE Region 10 PES students Chapters Chair (2019-2020), IEEE PES Day 2019 Global Chair , and IEEE HAC Event committee member 2019-2020. During serving under IEEE he won the Student Leadership Award 2014 & 2015 from UKM, IEEE Malaysia student leadership award 2015, Best Social Activity Award 2015, IEEE Malaysia Section Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 2015, 2016 DARREL CHONG AWARD winner Silver category for project entitled Asian School on Renewable Energy, and winner Bronze category for project entitled Flood Relief Missions ,IEEE MGA Young Professional Achievement Award 2017, and 2018 Young Professionals Hall of fame Award for IEEE PES Young Professionals committee.
Dr. Chanakya Kumar Jha
Dr. Chanakya Kumar Jha is Director ( Planning) Siddhant Group of Institutions , Secretary of Federation of World Academician 2021 – 2022 , Member of Section Chapter committee at IEEE Region 10. Vice Chair – HAC ,IEEE India Council 2019-20 , Vice Chair -ECIM IEEE India Council 2018-19 Chair SIGHT ,IEEE Bombay Section 2018-19, 2019-20 , Chief Editor, Asian Society for Scientific Research Associate Editor, IEEE Access.